Archaeology Links
A few of these links are PDF documents. Depending on your browser and software, you may need the free Adobe PDF Reader to view them.
Historic Preservation (DAHP)
The Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, which oversees cultural resource management in the state of Washington.
Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)
The State Historic Preservation Office, which oversees cultural resource management in the state of Oregon.
Archaeological Predeterminations (PDF)
Guidelines for predeterminations as required by Clark County, WA (pdf).
Section 106
A summary of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
EO21-02 (PDF)
A summary of the State of Washington’s Governor’s Executive Order 21-02 (formerly EO-0505) (pdf).
EO21-02 (Info Page)
A link to the overview page for the State of Washington’s Governor’s Executive Order 21-02 (formerly EO-0505).
The National Register of Historic Places, the country’s official list of historic properties worthy of preservation.
Archaeological Resource Protection (PDF)
Vancouver Municipal Code for archaeology